Thursday, June 23, 2016

Bring Out the Summer Feet!

Guess what? It's time to bring out the sandals; warm weather is here! Those feet you've been trudging around on for miles and miles in boots and tennis shoes are going to have to come out and play whether you like it or not. They've taken a pounding over the last few months and it's time for a little TLC. My tootsies could use a little extra care, so I decided to make a cooling, exfoliating scrub. Not only does it get rid of the dry, dead skin, it stimulates and invigorates those tired, aching feet. But wait...there's more. 
  • The eucalyptus oil stimulates immunity and provides antioxidant protection plus helps control odor. Not saying your feet are stinky, but there you have it. 
  • Peppermint will soothe the aches, stimulates circulation and will leave your skin feeling cool and refreshed.
The pores on the bottom of your feet are larger, therefore absorbing faster and letting the benefits of the oils go right to work. 

It's quick and easy to make. Best of all, there's no ingredients you can't pronounce in it and it's all organic. (Well, I don't know about the food coloring but I'm willing to bet two drops of that is nothing next to all the chemicals that are in the foot scrubs you buy at the store.)

I used a blend of Epsom salts and sugar for this. The Epsom salt does the heavy lifting of exfoliating and the sugar, being finer, polishes. Your feet will not only look great, they'll thank you because they'll feet great. Wanna make it? Here's the recipe:

  • 1/2 cup Epsom salts
  • 1/2 cup white granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 15 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 8 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • Drop or two of green food coloring (optional)

Melt coconut oil in double boiler (or microwave). In a bowl, mix salt, sugar and oils. Add food coloring if desired, then transfer to a cute jar. 

To use: Soak feet in warm water, Scoop some scrub into you hands and rub on feet. Enjoy!!

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