Sunday, July 3, 2016

Take a Bath, Already

No, I'm not insinuating you're dirty. Unless you've been digging in the dirt,then you are. But take heart (and a shower!) because if you've been digging in the dirt, you're probably sore; sore back, sore hands, sore legs... We're about to fix that. 

I'm sure you've bought or walked by those pretty jars of bath salts. They look so nice in your bathroom and once in awhile you even remember to use them. Well, after having done some research on them, be prepared to go grab them and get in the habit of it. 

Bath salts are useful for more than just looking pretty on your shelf and smelling great. The benefits are actually far-reaching.

They benefit your skin. Some of the nutrients found in bath salts are magnesium, potassium, calcium , bromide and sodium. These are easily absorbed into our pores and can purify your skin on a molecular level, improving the radiance, tone, and texture. Magnesium helps us fight stress and combat fatigue; calcium keeps water retention under control, promotes healthy bones and can help stave of osteoporosis. Potassium balances moisture levels in our skin. Bromide soothes tired muscles. Sodium manages the balance of lymphatic fluid in our bodies. So salts not only benefit our skin but our entire bodies, from the inside out.

Salt detoxifies our skin. When the warm water opens our pores, the minerals in the salts deeply cleanse, drawing out impurities, pollution, oil and dirt from the skin. Regular use has even been shown to decrease the appearance of fine lines by plumping the skin and balancing moisture. And adding essential oils increase your health benefits, as well.

Epsom salt and lavender bath soak

Epsom Salts

Epsom salt isn't really a salt, it's a pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Both are readily absorbed into the skin. Magnesium is very beneficial for the body, as it reduces inflammation, eases stress, soothes back pain and limb pain, and draws toxins from the body.
                How does it work?

Stress drains the body of much needed levels of magnesium and increases adrenaline (thereby causing irritability.). When you use Epsom salts in a bath it is absorbed through the skin and replenishes magnesium. Magnesium helps produce serotonin which is the mood-elevating chemical in your brain that creates that feeling of calm and relaxation. By soaking in Epsom salts the magnesium ions help you relax and reduce the effects of adrenaline.
Epsom salt also relieves inflammation, which can be beneficial in treating sore muscles. It also helps regulate electrolytes, ensuring proper function of muscles, nerves, and enzymes. The magnesium is known to be critical in the proper use of calcium, which serves as a main conduction of the electric impulses in your body.

The sulfates in Epsom salts help flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells which ease muscle pain and help the body eliminate these. By soaking in Epsom salts, your skin is, in effect, performing reverse osmosis; the Epsom salt is pulling the salt from your skin and the toxins along with it. (Osmosis happens when there is a solution balance between two liquids with a permeable barrier. The liquids are your blood and the bath water, the barrier is your skin. Liquids are transferred between the barrier until both sides have equal salinity. Note: Adding 2 cups of baking soda will draw out acidic toxin) Take three baths a week and soaking for at least 12 minutes. Don't use soap, as it will interfere with the action of the salts.

Have a sunburn? Add lavender to your soak. It's disinfecting, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties will help. Had a rough day? The lavender will ease nervous tension and pain, as well as enhance circulation. 

I made this bath salt batch today: 
It's vanilla/lavender with dried lavender flowers and leaves. Do you think I should carry it in my shop?

So grab your salts and go take a bath already! Your body will thank you. 

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